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Advances in Biomaterials and Technologies for Vascular Embolization.

Photo by drew_hays from unsplash

Minimally invasive transcatheter embolization is a common nonsurgical procedure in interventional radiology used for the deliberate occlusion of blood vessels for the treatment of diseased or injured vasculature. A wide… Click to show full abstract

Minimally invasive transcatheter embolization is a common nonsurgical procedure in interventional radiology used for the deliberate occlusion of blood vessels for the treatment of diseased or injured vasculature. A wide variety of embolic agents including metallic coils, calibrated microspheres, and liquids are available for clinical practice. Additionally, advances in biomaterials, such as shape-memory foams, biodegradable polymers, and in situ gelling solutions have led to the development of novel preclinical embolic agents. The aim here is to provide a comprehensive overview of current and emerging technologies in endovascular embolization with respect to devices, materials, mechanisms, and design guidelines. Limitations and challenges in embolic materials are also discussed to promote advancement in the field.

Keywords: biomaterials technologies; technologies vascular; vascular embolization; radiology; embolization; advances biomaterials

Journal Title: Advanced materials
Year Published: 2019

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