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The news about rollover protective structures: Findings from an analysis of news from Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, and Missouri.

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INTRODUCTION Rollover protective structures (ROPS) can prevent fatal tractor overturns, a leading cause of death among farmers. This content analysis aims to understand how this life-saving strategy appears in news… Click to show full abstract

INTRODUCTION Rollover protective structures (ROPS) can prevent fatal tractor overturns, a leading cause of death among farmers. This content analysis aims to understand how this life-saving strategy appears in news about farm safety. METHODS As part of a larger study of farm safety news coverage from four agricultural states, we conducted a content analysis of articles that mentioned ROPS. RESULTS Few (10%) articles about farm safety explicitly mentioned ROPS. When ROPS were mentioned, they were described in terms of their potential to save lives or prevent injury. CONCLUSION Despite proven success, ROPS-and programs to make ROPS more widely available to farmers-are all but absent from news coverage in key agricultural states. This represents a missed opportunity not only to motivate farmers to install ROPS, but also to demonstrate to policymakers the importance of establishing and maintaining funding to prevent the most frequent cause of death on farms. Farmers face barriers to installing life-saving equipment. Without an increase in ROPS utilization and improved access to prevention programs, farmers, especially low-income farmers, will remain at disproportionate risk for death and injury.

Keywords: rollover protective; protective structures; farm safety; news rollover; news; analysis

Journal Title: American journal of industrial medicine
Year Published: 2023

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