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Using Data to Drive Decision Making to Improve OR Productivity

Photo by drew_hays from unsplash

At UCHealth, a nationally recognized ninehospital health care system in Colorado, a substantial increase in OR time demand required an innovative solution to increase OR availability and access. The UCHealth… Click to show full abstract

At UCHealth, a nationally recognized ninehospital health care system in Colorado, a substantial increase in OR time demand required an innovative solution to increase OR availability and access. The UCHealth flagship facility, University of Colorado Hospital (UCH), Aurora, was experiencing a 10% annual increase in surgical volume because of new surgical programs (eg, limb preservation, minimally invasive pancreatic oncology); aggressive surgeon recruitment; efforts to enhance oncology patients’ experience by scheduling appointments within 10 business days of a surgeon appointment; and a substantial, fiveyear period increase in the patient population, which required improved access to the surgical schedule.

Keywords: drive decision; using data; increase; data drive; decision making; oncology

Journal Title: AORN Journal
Year Published: 2018

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