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Case-Mix Moderation of the Relationship Between OR Performance Metrics and Utilization.

Photo by homajob from unsplash

We investigated the impact of the case-mix ratio of inpatients to outpatients on the relationships between OR utilization and late starts, turnover time, delays, cancellations, and idle time at an… Click to show full abstract

We investigated the impact of the case-mix ratio of inpatients to outpatients on the relationships between OR utilization and late starts, turnover time, delays, cancellations, and idle time at an academic medical center in the southeastern United States. After extracting 55 months of data from the surgical repository, we used simple and multiple linear regression models to analyze the data and determine the strength and direction of the relationships among the variables. We compared models comprising proportionally more inpatients to models comprising proportionally more outpatients for each metric to ascertain the effects of case mix on OR utilization. Idle time had the greatest effect on OR utilization, followed by late starts and turnover time. Case mix moderated the relationship between OR utilization and the metrics of cancellations and turnover time. Perioperative leaders may enhance OR utilization by monitoring and addressing idle time and late starts and scheduling an appropriate mix of inpatients and outpatients.

Keywords: time; relationship; case mix; utilization; case

Journal Title: AORN journal
Year Published: 2022

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