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Morphological variation in the anterior cranial fossa

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The anterior cranial fossa is an important anatomical landmark in clinical orthodontics consisting of the frontal, ethmoid, and sphenoid bones. The relationships between these bones remain poorly understood. The purposes… Click to show full abstract

The anterior cranial fossa is an important anatomical landmark in clinical orthodontics consisting of the frontal, ethmoid, and sphenoid bones. The relationships between these bones remain poorly understood. The purposes of the present study were to describe the morphological relationships among the three bones and to discuss the factors contributing to individual variations in adult skulls based on postnatal development. Skulls of 100 Indian adults and 18 Japanese juveniles were observed both macroscopically and using computed tomography images in the median sagittal plane. Three types of relationship were seen among the three bones in adult skulls: (a) a triangular border between ethmoid and sphenoid bones (ethmoid spine), (b) a straight or concave border between ethmoid and sphenoid bones, and (c) frontal bone lying between the ethmoid and sphenoid bones. In the juvenile skull, structures corresponding to those in adults were observed. These three bones comprise the anterior cranial base, each with differing developmental processes, and slight differences in these processes seem to be reflected in the morphological variations seen among adults.

Keywords: anterior cranial; three bones; sphenoid bones; cranial fossa; ethmoid sphenoid

Journal Title: Clinical and Experimental Dental Research
Year Published: 2019

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