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Influence of external magnetic field on dust acoustic waves in a capacitive RF discharge

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This paper reports experiments on self$-$excited dust acoustic waves (DAWs) and its propagation characteristics in a magnetized rf discharge plasma. The DAWs are spontaneously excited in dusty plasma after adding… Click to show full abstract

This paper reports experiments on self$-$excited dust acoustic waves (DAWs) and its propagation characteristics in a magnetized rf discharge plasma. The DAWs are spontaneously excited in dusty plasma after adding more particles in the confining potential well and found to propagate in the direction of streaming ions. The spontaneous excitation of such low-frequency modes is possible due to the instabilities associated with streaming ions through the dust grain medium. The background E-field and neutral pressure determine the stability of excited DAWs. The characteristics of DAWs strongly depend on the strength of external magnetic field. The magnetic field of strength B $ $ 0.05 T and get completely damped at higher magnetic field B $\sim$ 0.13 T. After lowering the power and pressure to 3 W and 23 Pa respectively, the excited DAWs in the absence of B are slightly unstable. In this case, the magnetic field only stabilizes and modifies the propagation characteristics of DAWs while the strength of B is increased up to 0.1 T or even higher. The modification of the sheath electric field where particles are confined in the presence of the external magnetic field is the main cause of the modification and damping of the DAWs in a magnetized rf discharge plasma.

Keywords: external magnetic; field; acoustic waves; discharge; magnetic field; dust acoustic

Journal Title: Contributions to Plasma Physics
Year Published: 2019

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