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Molecular mechanisms from reaction coordinate graph enabled multidimensional free energies illustrated on water dimer hydrogen bonding

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Computing the free energies of molecular mechanisms in multidimensional space relies on combinations of geometrically complex reaction coordinates. We show how a graph theory implementation reduces complexity, and illustrate this… Click to show full abstract

Computing the free energies of molecular mechanisms in multidimensional space relies on combinations of geometrically complex reaction coordinates. We show how a graph theory implementation reduces complexity, and illustrate this on the arrangements of hydrogen bonding of a water dimer. The reaction coordinates and forces are computed using graphs that define the dependencies on the atoms in the Free Energy from Adaptive Reaction Coordinate Forces (FEARCF) library. The library can be interfaced with classical molecular dynamics as well as quantum molecular dynamics packages. Multidimensional interdependent reaction coordinates are constructed to produce complex free energy hypersurfaces. The reaction coordinates are graphed from atomic and molecular components to define points, distances, vectors, angles, planes and combinations thereof. The resultant free energy surfaces that are a function of the distance, angles, planes, and so on, can represent molecular mechanisms in reduced dimensions from the component atomic Cartesian coordinate degrees of freedom. The FEARCF library can be interfaced with any molecular package. Here, we demonstrate the link to NWChem to compute a hyperdimensional DFT (aug‐cc‐pVDZ basis set and X3LYP exchange correlation functionals) free energy space of a water dimer. Analysis of the water dimer free energy hypervolume reveals that while the chain and cyclic hydrogen bonding configurations are located in stable minimum energy wells, the bifurcated hydrogen bond configuration is a gateway to instability and dimer dissociation.

Keywords: reaction; molecular mechanisms; energy; water dimer

Journal Title: Journal of Computational Chemistry
Year Published: 2022

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