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Alert for non‐respiratory symptoms of coronavirus disease 2019 patients in epidemic period: A case report of familial cluster with three asymptomatic COVID‐19 patients

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At present, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) is rampaging around the world. However, asymptomatic carriers intensified the difficulty of prevention and management. Here we reported the screening, clinical features, and treatment… Click to show full abstract

At present, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) is rampaging around the world. However, asymptomatic carriers intensified the difficulty of prevention and management. Here we reported the screening, clinical features, and treatment process of a family cluster involving three COVID‐19 patients. The discovery of the first asymptomatic carrier in this family cluster depends on the repeated and comprehensive epidemiological investigation by disease control experts. In addition, the combination of multiple detection methods can help clinicians find asymptomatic carriers as early as possible. In conclusion, the prevention and control experience of this family cluster showed that comprehensive rigorous epidemiological investigation and combination of multiple detection methods were of great value for the detection of hidden asymptomatic carriers.

Keywords: covid patients; cluster; disease 2019; asymptomatic carriers; coronavirus disease

Journal Title: Journal of Medical Virology
Year Published: 2020

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