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Limiting RyR2 open time prevents Alzheimer's disease-related deficits in the 3xTG-AD mouse model.

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Increasing evidence suggests that Alzheimer's disease (AD) progression is driven by a vicious cycle of soluble β-amyloid (Aβ)-induced neuronal hyperactivity. Thus, breaking this vicious cycle by suppressing neuronal hyperactivity may… Click to show full abstract

Increasing evidence suggests that Alzheimer's disease (AD) progression is driven by a vicious cycle of soluble β-amyloid (Aβ)-induced neuronal hyperactivity. Thus, breaking this vicious cycle by suppressing neuronal hyperactivity may represent a logical approach to stopping AD progression. In support of this, we have recently shown that genetically and pharmacologically limiting ryanodine receptor 2 (RyR2) open time prevented neuronal hyperactivity, memory impairment, dendritic spine loss, and neuronal cell death in a rapid, early onset AD mouse model (5xFAD). Here, we assessed the impact of limiting RyR2 open time on AD-related deficits in a relatively late occurring, slow developing AD mouse model (3xTG-AD) that bears more resemblance (compared to 5xFAD) to that of human AD. Using behavioral tests, long-term potentiation recordings, and Golgi and Nissl staining, we found that the RyR2-E4872Q mutation, which markedly shortens the open duration of the RyR2 channel, prevented learning and memory impairment, defective long-term potentiation, dendritic spine loss, and neuronal cell death in the 3xTG-AD mice. Furthermore, pharmacologically shortening the RyR2 open time with R-carvedilol rescued these AD-related deficits in 3xTG mice. Therefore, limiting RyR2 open time may offer a promising, neuronal hyperactivity-targeted anti-AD strategy.

Keywords: open time; limiting ryr2; mouse model; ryr2 open

Journal Title: Journal of neuroscience research
Year Published: 2021

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