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Pedicled posteromedial thigh (PMT) flap: A new alternative for groin defect reconstruction

Photo by donovan_valdivia from unsplash

The posterior medial thigh is mainly vascularized by the profunda femoris artery (PFA), which nourishes the adductor magnus muscle and overlying skin, to supply a number of perforators that can… Click to show full abstract

The posterior medial thigh is mainly vascularized by the profunda femoris artery (PFA), which nourishes the adductor magnus muscle and overlying skin, to supply a number of perforators that can potentially be used as pedicles for local perforator flaps. Here we present two cases utilizing the pedicled posteromedial thigh flap (PMT) to reconstruct the groin defects. Two patients underwent resection for metastatic malignant melanoma resulting in large defects of the groin with exposure of major inguinal vessels; the dimensions of the skin defects were 15 cm × 5 cm and 16 cm × 6 cm, two ipsilateral pedicled PMT flaps were designed to cover the defects. The pedicled PMT flaps were based on perforators arising from the PFA and were transposed through a submuscular tunnel into the defect. The postoperative course was uneventful and the wounds were reconstructed successfully. The pedicled PMT flap may be an option for reconstruction of groin defects and could be incorporated into the armamentarium of the reconstructive microsurgeon. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microsurgery 37:339–343, 2017.

Keywords: reconstruction; pmt flap; posteromedial thigh; groin; pedicled posteromedial; pmt

Journal Title: Microsurgery
Year Published: 2017

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