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Call for Analysis of Look AHEAD Data

Photo by dawson2406 from unsplash

TO THE EDITOR: The Action for Health in Diabetes (Look AHEAD) trial was a randomized controlled clinical trial comparing an intensive lifestyle intervention with diabetes support and education in individuals… Click to show full abstract

TO THE EDITOR: The Action for Health in Diabetes (Look AHEAD) trial was a randomized controlled clinical trial comparing an intensive lifestyle intervention with diabetes support and education in individuals with overweight or obesity and type 2 diabetes to track the development of cardiovascular disease over time. With this letter, the investigators are soliciting interest in the analysis of existing data and biological samples. The trial resulted in a differential effect on weight loss and fitness between the two groups; however, there was no effect on cardiovascular outcomes. As a result, the intervention was stopped after 9.6 years for futility. Nevertheless, there were many health benefits of intensive lifestyle intervention, including improved glucose and lipid control, less sleep apnea, lower liver fat, less depression, improved insulin sensitivity, less urinary incontinence, less kidney disease, reduced need of diabetes medications, maintenance of physical mobility, improved quality of life, and lower costs. It also reduced the risk of very high-risk chronic kidney disease and nephropathy.

Keywords: trial; analysis; analysis look; ahead data; look ahead; call analysis

Journal Title: Obesity
Year Published: 2019

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