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Recent Advances in the Applications of Water‐soluble Resorcinarene‐based Deep Cavitands

Photo by a2eorigins from unsplash

Abstract We review here the use of container molecules known as cavitands for performing organic reactions in water. Central to these endeavors are binding forces found in water, and among… Click to show full abstract

Abstract We review here the use of container molecules known as cavitands for performing organic reactions in water. Central to these endeavors are binding forces found in water, and among the strongest of these is the hydrophobic effect. We describe how the hydrophobic effect can be used to drive organic molecule guests into the confined space of cavitand hosts. Other forces participating in guest binding include cation−π interactions, chalcogen bonding and even hydrogen bonding to water involved in the host structure. The reactions of guests take advantage of their contortions in the limited space of the cavitands which enhance macrocyclic and site‐selective processes. The cavitands are applied to the removal of organic pollutants from water and to the separation of isomeric guests. Progress is described on maneuvering the containers from stoichiometric participation to roles as catalysts.

Keywords: water; applications water; soluble resorcinarene; recent advances; water soluble; advances applications

Journal Title: ChemistryOpen
Year Published: 2022

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