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Global finite‐time stabilization for a class of high‐order switched nonlinear systems via sampled‐data control

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This paper investigates the global finite‐time stabilization for a class of high‐order switched nonlinear systems via the sampled‐data output feedback control. Firstly, we design a continuous‐time output feedback controller for… Click to show full abstract

This paper investigates the global finite‐time stabilization for a class of high‐order switched nonlinear systems via the sampled‐data output feedback control. Firstly, we design a continuous‐time output feedback controller for the nominal part via adding a power integrator technique. Based on the homogeneous theory, together with the Gronwall‐Bellman inequality, a sampled‐data output feedback controller is designed with suitable sampling periods to ensure that the closed‐loop system can be globally stabilized in finite time. In the meantime, the proposed control method can be extended to the switched nonlinear systems with an upper‐triangular growth condition. Finally, two examples are presented to illustrate the validity of the proposed control scheme.

Keywords: time; finite time; sampled data; nonlinear systems; switched nonlinear; control

Journal Title: International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
Year Published: 2019

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