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Concepts, Practices, and Interactive Tutorial for Allosteric Network Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Simulations.

Photo by dulhiier from unsplash

Over the past decade, concepts of network theory in combination with dynamical information from conformational ensembles have been widely applied to gain insights in understanding allosteric regulation in biomolecules. In… Click to show full abstract

Over the past decade, concepts of network theory in combination with dynamical information from conformational ensembles have been widely applied to gain insights in understanding allosteric regulation in biomolecules. In this chapter, we introduce the basic theories and protocols used in protein dynamics network analysis through a series of interactive python Jupyter notebook scripts. While various network analysis methods exist in the literature, here we focus on the two popular methods based on correlated atomic motions and pairwise interaction energies. While the tutorial is based on a small prototypic protein, the workflow and protocol introduced here are optimized to handle large membrane proteins.

Keywords: concepts practices; network; practices interactive; interactive tutorial; network analysis

Journal Title: Methods in molecular biology
Year Published: 2021

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