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Modeling Retinal Diseases Using Genetic Approaches in Mice.

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Genetic mouse models mimicking human diseases have been developed and utilized for retinal research in various topics, involving anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and pathology. The main reasons why mouse models are… Click to show full abstract

Genetic mouse models mimicking human diseases have been developed and utilized for retinal research in various topics, involving anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and pathology. The main reasons why mouse models are important for retinal research include that rodents share a key retinal homology with humans and that genetic manipulation is relatively easily applicable for mice. Here, we describe genetic mouse models, which are categorized with functions in the retina and relationship with human diseases.

Keywords: mouse models; diseases using; using genetic; modeling retinal; genetic approaches; retinal diseases

Journal Title: Methods in molecular biology
Year Published: 2018

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