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Self-organized Higgs criticality

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A bstractThe critical point for a Higgs sector can be a point of interest in the potential for a modulus field such as the radion of an extra dimensional construction,… Click to show full abstract

A bstractThe critical point for a Higgs sector can be a point of interest in the potential for a modulus field such as the radion of an extra dimensional construction, or the dilaton of spontaneously broken approximate conformal invariance. In part motivated by conjectures about the self-organized critical state in statistical physics, we construct a 5D model in which there is an infrared emergent Higgs instability due to violation of the Breitenlohner-Freedman bound deep in the interior of a near AdS geometry. This is holographically dual to a “running” scaling dimension transitioning from real to complex with decreasing scale. The complex scaling indicates an instability to be resolved by condensates which modify the interior geometry and backreact on the 5D radion potential. Studying the model at small gravitational backreaction, we find a rich possible vacuum structure and uncover evidence that resolution of the instability requires a non-trivial cosmology.

Keywords: organized higgs; instability; physics; higgs criticality; geometry; self organized

Journal Title: Journal of High Energy Physics
Year Published: 2019

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