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Nonlinear fluctuations in relativistic causal fluids

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In the Second Order Theories (SOT) of real relativistic fluids, the non-ideal properties of the flows are described by a new set of dynamical tensor variables. In this work we… Click to show full abstract

In the Second Order Theories (SOT) of real relativistic fluids, the non-ideal properties of the flows are described by a new set of dynamical tensor variables. In this work we explore the non-linear dynamics of those variables in a conformal fluid. Among all possible SOTs, we choose to work with the Divergence Type Theories (DTT) formalism, which ensures that the second law of thermodynamics is fulfilled non-perturbatively. The tensor modes include two divergence-free modes which have no analog in theories based on covariant generalizations of the Navier-Stokes equation, and that are particularly relevant because they couple linearly to a gravitational field. To study the dynamics of this irreducible tensor sector, we observe that in causal theories such as DTTs, thermal fluctuations induce a stochastic stirring force, which excites the tensor modes while preserving energy momentum conservation. From fluctuation-dissipation considerations it follows that the random force is Gaussian with a white spectrum. The irreducible tensor modes in turn excite vector modes, which back-react on the tensor sector, thus producing a consistent non-linear, second order description of the divergence-free tensor dynamics. Using the Martin-Siggia-Rose (MSR) formalism plus the Two-Particle Irreducible Effective Action (2PIEA) formalism, we obtain the one-loop corrected equations for the relevant two-point correlation functions of the model: the retarded propagator and the Hadamard function. The overall result of the self-consistent dynamics of the irreducible tensor modes at this order is a depletion of the spectrum in the UV sector, which suggests that tensor modes could sustain an inverse entropy cascade.

Keywords: tensor; irreducible tensor; fluctuations relativistic; tensor modes; nonlinear fluctuations; relativistic causal

Journal Title: Journal of High Energy Physics
Year Published: 2020

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