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An Anderson–Choquet-type theorem and a characterization of weakly chainable continua

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We introduce the concept of proper convergence of a sequence of subspaces of a metric space and then prove that a continuum X is weakly chainable if there is a… Click to show full abstract

We introduce the concept of proper convergence of a sequence of subspaces of a metric space and then prove that a continuum X is weakly chainable if there is a sequence of arcs converging properly to it. Also, we prove that a continuum X is weakly chainable if and only if there is a sequence of arcs in the Hilbert cube converging properly to an embedded copy of X. The proof is based on an Anderson–Choquet-type theorem (valid also for set-valued functions).

Keywords: weakly chainable; anderson choquet; choquet type; type theorem

Journal Title: Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics
Year Published: 2017

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