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[Identification of the epidural space using pressure waveform analysis (CompuFlo® technology): a case series].

Photo by joelfilip from unsplash

Anesthesiologists commonly perform the loss of resistance technique in order to identify the epidural space during neuraxial procedures; however, this technique is subjective and lacks reliability in certain cases. The… Click to show full abstract

Anesthesiologists commonly perform the loss of resistance technique in order to identify the epidural space during neuraxial procedures; however, this technique is subjective and lacks reliability in certain cases. The so-called CompuFlo® technology provides objective information about the position of the epidural needle by means of a pressure curve and acoustic signals. The technology was introduced several years ago and was evaluated in several trials, which showed promising results. The purpose of the present publication is to report on the first experiences with the CompuFlo® technology in German-speaking countries. A series of 24 epidural procedures using the CompuFlo® device was carried out in routine daily practice. The epidural space was successfully identified in 23 cases. Conversion to the conventional loss of resistance technique was performed during the initial cases in a prolonged procedure. The CompuFlo® technique is considered to be a promising technology, which might help to reduce complications after epidural anesthesia, e.g. postdural puncture headache.

Keywords: epidural space; compuflo technology; technology; pressure

Journal Title: Der Anaesthesist
Year Published: 2019

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