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A generic construction for high order approximation schemes of semigroups using random grids

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Our aim is to construct high order approximation schemes for general semigroups of linear operators $P_{t},t\geq 0$. In order to do it, we fix a time horizon $T $ and… Click to show full abstract

Our aim is to construct high order approximation schemes for general semigroups of linear operators $P_{t},t\geq 0$. In order to do it, we fix a time horizon $T $ and the discretization steps $h_{l}=\frac{T}{n^{l}},l\in \mathbb{N}$ and we suppose that we have at hand some short time approximation operators $Q_{l}$ such that $P_{h_{l}}=Q_{l}+O(h_{l}^{1+\alpha })$ for some $\alpha >0$. Then, we consider random time grids $\Pi (\omega )=\{t_0(\omega )=0

Keywords: order approximation; order; approximation; omega omega; approximation schemes; random grids

Journal Title: Numerische Mathematik
Year Published: 2021

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