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Independent Feedback Vertex Set for $$P_5$$P5-Free Graphs

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The NP-complete problem Feedback Vertex Set is that of deciding whether or not it is possible, for a given integer $$k\ge 0$$k≥0, to delete at most k vertices from a given… Click to show full abstract

The NP-complete problem Feedback Vertex Set is that of deciding whether or not it is possible, for a given integer $$k\ge 0$$k≥0, to delete at most k vertices from a given graph so that what remains is a forest. The variant in which the deleted vertices must form an independent set is called Independent Feedback Vertex Set and is also NP-complete. In fact, even deciding if an independent feedback vertex set exists is NP-complete and this problem is closely related to the 3-Colouring problem, or equivalently, to the problem of deciding whether or not a graph has an independent odd cycle transversal, that is, an independent set of vertices whose deletion makes the graph bipartite. We initiate a systematic study of the complexity of Independent Feedback Vertex Set for H-free graphs. We prove that it is NP-complete if H contains a claw or cycle. Tamura, Ito and Zhou proved that it is polynomial-time solvable for $$P_4$$P4-free graphs. We show that it remains polynomial-time solvable for $$P_5$$P5-free graphs. We prove analogous results for the Independent Odd Cycle Transversal problem, which asks whether or not a graph has an independent odd cycle transversal of size at most k for a given integer $$k\ge 0$$k≥0. Finally, in line with our underlying research aim, we compare the complexity of Independent Feedback Vertex Set for H-free graphs with the complexity of 3-Colouring, Independent Odd Cycle Transversal and other related problems.

Keywords: vertex set; free graphs; independent feedback; feedback vertex

Journal Title: Algorithmica
Year Published: 2018

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