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Knowledge-based block chain networks for health log data management mobile service

Photo by owenbeard from unsplash

There is a rapidly growing interest in health care due to the recent development of IT convergence technologies according to the 4th industrial revolution. More services for personal health management… Click to show full abstract

There is a rapidly growing interest in health care due to the recent development of IT convergence technologies according to the 4th industrial revolution. More services for personal health management of users are available and studies on the establishment of knowledge base for an efficient health log data management in the health care field are being carried out with the emergence of block chain technology which is the next generation information security technology. In this paper, a knowledge-based block chain network for health log data management mobile service is suggested. The user’s log data and context information are applied to block chain technology that is difficult to forge and falsify in the knowledge-based health platform, enabling a large amount of users’ log data and context information accumulated continuously to be stored in a block in the knowledge base using the side chain structure that stores information through the configuration of knowledge-based data transaction. This enables high expandability and security to be secured in mobile environment as well. The result of comparative evaluation with the existing ontology knowledge model for verifying the validity shows that the suggested method presented approximately 16.5% higher performance in accuracy and reproducibility.

Keywords: knowledge; health; log data; block chain

Journal Title: Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
Year Published: 2019

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