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Emergent postpartum pelvic sonography

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This article describes the variable appearance of the normal postpartum uterus and reviews complications which can occur in the postpartum period, with particular emphasis on the sonographic findings. Postpartum complications… Click to show full abstract

This article describes the variable appearance of the normal postpartum uterus and reviews complications which can occur in the postpartum period, with particular emphasis on the sonographic findings. Postpartum complications are a common presentation to the emergency department. The majority of these patients present with secondary postpartum hemorrhage. Additional symptoms of pain or clinical findings of pyrexia and leukocytosis confound the clinical scenario and necessitate further evaluation with imaging. Ultrasonography is the mainstay in the initial imaging evaluation of the postpartum patient, with occasional progression to CT, MR, or angiography. We sought to provide a brief review of the literature, with pictorial review of key imaging findings, with a focus on ultrasonography. We provide a pictorial and brief literature review, with case examples from our institution, of key postpartum complications. Ultrasonography is an important component of evaluation in postpartum patients, particularly those with hemorrhage or other complication.

Keywords: postpartum pelvic; pelvic sonography; radiology; postpartum; evaluation; emergent postpartum

Journal Title: Emergency Radiology
Year Published: 2021

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