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Motion of a Satellite in the Circular Three-Body Problem with Light Pressure

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We consider the spatial circular restricted three-body problem with light pressure. We obtain an analytic expression for the twice-averaged force function in the nonresonant case. We show that the integrals… Click to show full abstract

We consider the spatial circular restricted three-body problem with light pressure. We obtain an analytic expression for the twice-averaged force function in the nonresonant case. We show that the integrals of the averaged equations written in osculating elements are the semi-major axis of the satellite orbit, the average value of the force function, and the Lidov–Kozai integral. We investigate stationary modes of oscillations and describe the set of equilibrium states of the averaged problem for different values of the coefficient of light pressure.

Keywords: three body; body problem; problem; problem light; light pressure

Journal Title: Journal of Mathematical Sciences
Year Published: 2021

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