A high-speed rotating rotor system mounted on a moving vehicle is inevitably subjected to parametric excitations and exciting forces induced by base motions. Dynamic characteristics of a rotor-bearing system supported… Click to show full abstract
A high-speed rotating rotor system mounted on a moving vehicle is inevitably subjected to parametric excitations and exciting forces induced by base motions. Dynamic characteristics of a rotor-bearing system supported by squeeze-film damper with retainer spring subjected to unbalance and support motions are investigated. Using Lagrange’s principle, equations of motion for rotor system relative to a moving support are derived. Under base excitations, steady-state and transient responses are analyzed by frequency–amplitude curve, waveform, orbit, frequency spectrum, and Poincare map. Changing with rotating speed or base harmonic frequency, journal motions are analyzed by bifurcation diagram. The results indicate that under base axial rotation, increasing base angular velocity, first two critical speeds decrease but resonant amplitudes increase slightly. The journal whirls around the static eccentricity with noncircular orbit. Under base lateral rotation, critical speeds, and resonant amplitudes remain essentially unchanged, but orbit’s deviation is related to base angular velocity. Excited by base harmonic translation, the integral multiples of fundamental frequency $$k{\varOmega }\left( {k = 1,2} \right)$$ , base harmonic frequency $${\varOmega}^{z}$$ , and combined frequencies $$k{\varOmega } \pm j{\varOmega }^{z} { }\left( {k,j = 1,2} \right)$$ are stimulated, changing the motions from periodic to quasiperiodic. Overall, it provides a flexible approach with good expandability to predict dynamic characteristics of squeeze-film damped rotor system under base motions.
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