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Effect of phonons on optical properties of RbCl quantum pseudodot qubits

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In this work, an electron which is strongly coupled to the strong electron-longitudinal optical (LO) phonon in RbCl quantum pseudodot qubits is considered. First, we employ the Pekar variational method… Click to show full abstract

In this work, an electron which is strongly coupled to the strong electron-longitudinal optical (LO) phonon in RbCl quantum pseudodot qubits is considered. First, we employ the Pekar variational method and obtain the eigenenergies and eigenfunctions of the ground and the first-excited states of the system. Then, we have studied optical properties of the system under strong electron-LO phonon coupling. In this regard, the refractive index changes and absorption coefficient of the system are obtained using compact-density-matrix approach and iterative method. It is found that the absorption coefficients show saturation in the presence of phonon effect. This behavior occurs at small quantum size and for different potential height. Our results show that both the structure parameters and phonon effect have a great effect on the total absorption and refractive index changes.

Keywords: rbcl quantum; quantum pseudodot; optical properties; pseudodot qubits; effect

Journal Title: Optical and Quantum Electronics
Year Published: 2017

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