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A Global Survey by the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO) on Perceptions of Bariatric Medical Tourism (BMT) by Health Professionals: Guidelines from IFSO for BMT

Photo by bruno_nascimento from unsplash

Background Bariatric medical tourism (BMT) is a rapidly expanding industry, with over 650 million people with obesity worldwide and total number rising by over 300% between 2003 and 2014. The… Click to show full abstract

Background Bariatric medical tourism (BMT) is a rapidly expanding industry, with over 650 million people with obesity worldwide and total number rising by over 300% between 2003 and 2014. The overall health tourism industry is worth over $400 billion/year. Methods International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO) conducted a global survey to analyze the details of BMT and the perceptions of bariatric health care professionals (HCP) regarding BMT. Results A total of 383 bariatric HCP’s with experience of 272,548 procedures responded from 65 countries. Seventy-three percent of respondents had managed BMT patients, whilst low cost of surgery was felt to be the driving factor in 77% of cases. The USA contributed the most patients travelling for BMT with 11.6%. Twenty-four percent of respondents stated that they had no access to adequate notes regarding the patient’s operation, whilst 12% felt BMT is associated with a higher mortality. Only 49% of respondents felt that IFSO guidelines were followed by the operating surgeon. Sleeve gastrectomy was the commonly offered surgery and an overall mean operation cost was $8716. Nearly 64% of respondents felt BMT needed better coordination between practitioners, whilst almost 85% of respondents supported the idea of a forum to facilitate safe BMT worldwide. Conclusion This IFSO survey has outlined the current BMT trends worldwide and highlighted areas of concern in the care of such patients. It has expanded our knowledge and should be used as a starting point to establish international forums to aid collaboration.

Keywords: tourism; surgery; health; survey; bmt; obesity

Journal Title: Obesity Surgery
Year Published: 2021

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