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Longitudinal study of land surface temperature (LST) using mono- and split-window algorithms and its relationship with NDVI and NDBI over selected metro cities of India

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This study was designed to compare the pattern of land surface temperature (LST) over four metro cities of India (Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi, and Kolkata) selected on a longitudinal basis in… Click to show full abstract

This study was designed to compare the pattern of land surface temperature (LST) over four metro cities of India (Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi, and Kolkata) selected on a longitudinal basis in relation to the built-up and vegetation indices. Two different methods were employed for the retrieval of LST, i.e., mono-window algorithm (MWA) and split-window algorithm (SWA) on the Landsat 8 (OLI/TIRS) datasets, to analyze the spatial pattern of LST over selected cities in relation to normalized differential built-up index (NDBI) and normalized differential vegetation index (NDVI). The result shows that the LST was high over the densely built areas while low over the densely vegetated areas. The highest LST, NDBI, and NDVI were found in Mumbai, while Kolkata records the lowest LST and NDVI. Furthermore, the spatial analysis of LST shows that the LST was high in central parts of all cities except in the case of Delhi where some peripheral areas also record high LST. The comparison from in situ LST (field observations) reveals that the SWA has higher accuracy in the retrieval of LST in maritime areas like Mumbai and Chennai because it reduces the atmospheric effects, while the MWA has higher accuracy for inland areas like Delhi. The spatial relationships of LST with NDVI and NDBI show that vegetation cover has more impact on LST in Delhi while low in Chennai and Mumbai, and the built-up surfaces have a higher impact on LST in Chennai and Mumbai than Kolkata and Delhi.

Keywords: window; temperature lst; land surface; surface temperature; metro cities; lst

Journal Title: Arabian Journal of Geosciences
Year Published: 2020

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