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Research on controlling the perfect transfer of the two-qubit quantum information in spin chain

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Perfect transfer of the two-qubit quantum information in spin chain without any magnetic field is investigated. In our work, the spin chain is placed in a particular low-intensity magnetic field… Click to show full abstract

Perfect transfer of the two-qubit quantum information in spin chain without any magnetic field is investigated. In our work, the spin chain is placed in a particular low-intensity magnetic field whose value is symmetrical about the chain and whose difference value between the nearest lattice points is constant. And the influence of the magnetic field has been studied by the method of matrix diagonalization. It is shown that the difference value of the magnetic field determines the fidelity of the two-qubit quantum information transfer in the spin chain. On the basis of this, we propose a theoretical scheme to achieve the quantum control of the two-qubit quantum information perfect transfer by applying this magnetic field, so that the perfect transfer time of information can be controlled arbitrarily as needed.

Keywords: chain; information; two qubit; perfect transfer; transfer; qubit quantum

Journal Title: Indian Journal of Physics
Year Published: 2021

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