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Comparative studies of important wood quality parameters of Melia dubia Cav. of different age groups for finding their suitability in various applications

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The wood quality of two different age groups (5–6 and 9–10 years old) of Melia dubia Cav. (Syn. Melia composita willd.) was evaluated on the basis of physical and mechanical properties. The average… Click to show full abstract

The wood quality of two different age groups (5–6 and 9–10 years old) of Melia dubia Cav. (Syn. Melia composita willd.) was evaluated on the basis of physical and mechanical properties. The average GBH of 5–6 year-old Melia was found to be around 40–60 cm and that of 9–10 years was 55–80 cm. The highest heartwood proportion of stem wood was around 60% and the lowest 40% in case of 5–6-year-old trees and was 65% and 45% in case of 9–10-year-old Melia trees. Evaluation of various physical and mechanical properties of both 5–6- and 9–10-year-old trees under green and air-dry conditions has been carried out. Based on physical and mechanical properties, suitability indices of 9–10-year-old M. dubia wood were found to be 10–12% higher than 5–6-year-old. Timber of both age groups was classified as moderately heavy, soft, liable to warp crack (due to higher shrinkage) and not tough. The timber of 9–10-year-old trees was comparatively stronger than that of 5–6-year-old trees. The suitability indices also indicate that timber of both age groups is suitable for applications such as tool handles, construction, light packing cases and furniture. Based on good working quality parameters, timber is also found to be suitable for turnery items.

Keywords: quality; age groups; year; year old; wood

Journal Title: Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science
Year Published: 2019

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