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Country centrality in the international multiplex network

Photo by neonbrand from unsplash

In this work we introduce and analyze a new and comprehensive multilayer dataset covering a wide spectrum of international relationships between coutries. We select two cross sections of the dataset… Click to show full abstract

In this work we introduce and analyze a new and comprehensive multilayer dataset covering a wide spectrum of international relationships between coutries. We select two cross sections of the dataset corresponding to years 2003 and 2010 with 19 layers and 112 nodes to study the structure and evolution of the network. Country centrality is measured by the multiplex PageRank (MultiRank) and the multiplex hub and authority scores (MultiHub and MultiAuth). We find that the MultiHub measure has the highest correlation to GDP per capita, with respect to the other multilayer measures and to their single layer analogues. Finally we analyze the differences in the ranking between GDP per capita and the multilayer centrality measures to evaluate them as measures of development.

Keywords: network; centrality international; network country; centrality; country centrality

Journal Title: Applied Network Science
Year Published: 2019

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