Abstract Microstructure formation of a hypo-eutectic Al-11Cu (atom percent) alloy during solidification after laser melting has been studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The evolution of the solid-liquid-interface velocity, VSL,… Click to show full abstract
Abstract Microstructure formation of a hypo-eutectic Al-11Cu (atom percent) alloy during solidification after laser melting has been studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The evolution of the solid-liquid-interface velocity, VSL, during the solidification process has been determined from direct observation by in-situ TEM. This enabled correlating VSL with development of four distinct microstructure zones. Crystal growth mode transitions from planar to cellular, cellular to dendritic, dendritic to cellular, and cellular to planar, have been observed for the accelerating solid-liquid-interface. The transition from coupled two-phase growth to the single-phase growth occurred for VSL = Va = (0.80±0.05) m/s, where Va is the velocity of absolute stability, at the onset of banded morphology grain formation. The in-situ and post-mortem TEM uniquely permitted determination of the non-equilibrium solidus for the rapidly solidifying Al-11Cu alloy. Experimental evidence for solute clustering and chemical ordering tendencies at length scales on the order of ≤ 5nm has been detected in the single-phase regions of the banded grains. The structural features of the single-phase bands have been interpreted as signatures of ‘frozen in’ configurations present in the liquid boundary layer adjacent to the growing crystal, which has a width of about 3nm. The nano-scale spatiotemporal resolution experimental TEM studies performed here provided quantitative metrics, e.g. the solidification interface velocity dependent solute concentration of the α-Al phase and the near-atomic scale structure in the single-phase bands, that are uniquely suitable for comparison with theory and model predictions for solidification microstructure development in multicomponent alloys after laser melting.
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