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On the set of L-space surgeries for links

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It it known that the set of L-space surgeries on a nontrivial L-space knot is always bounded from below. However, already for two-component torus links the set of L-space surgeries… Click to show full abstract

It it known that the set of L-space surgeries on a nontrivial L-space knot is always bounded from below. However, already for two-component torus links the set of L-space surgeries might be unbounded from below. For algebraic two-component links we provide three complete characterizations for the boundedness from below: one in terms of the $h$-function, one in terms of the Alexander polynomial, and one in terms of the embedded resolution graph. They show that the set of L-space surgeries is bounded from below for most algebraic links. In fact, the used property of the $h$-function is a sufficient condition for non-algebraic L-space links as well.

Keywords: space; surgeries links; links set; one terms; set space; space surgeries

Journal Title: Advances in Mathematics
Year Published: 2018

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