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Microlocal approach to the Hausdorff dimension of measures

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In this paper we study the dependence of geometric properties of Radon measures, such as Hausdorff dimension and rectifiability of singular sets, on the wavefront set. This is achieved by… Click to show full abstract

In this paper we study the dependence of geometric properties of Radon measures, such as Hausdorff dimension and rectifiability of singular sets, on the wavefront set. This is achieved by adapting the method of Brummelhuis to the non-analytic case. As an application we obtain a general form of uncertainty principle for measures on the complex sphere which subsumes certain classical results about pluriharmonic measures.

Keywords: hausdorff dimension; microlocal approach; approach hausdorff; dimension; dimension measures

Journal Title: Advances in Mathematics
Year Published: 2021

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