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Degradation of TRPML1 in Neurons Reduces Neuron Survival in Transient Global Cerebral Ischemia: 116

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found that both the mean (.52 mm) and median (.62 mm) fibrous bundle diameters were significantly different (ie, smaller) for the experimentalmodel as compared to themean (.73 mm) and median… Click to show full abstract

found that both the mean (.52 mm) and median (.62 mm) fibrous bundle diameters were significantly different (ie, smaller) for the experimentalmodel as compared to themean (.73 mm) and median (.85 mm) fibrous bundle diameters for the control (p<.0001). The relationship between mean and median fibrous bundle diameters and sample (control or experimental) was not significantly correlated to radial location (relative to the optic nerve) or magnification of the image based on analyses of covariance. Conclusions: Thus far, this research demonstrates that in a swine model the fibrous bundles of the optic sheath’s connections to the optic nerve are statistically different (smaller) after exposure to increased ICP. We anticipate similar results from the other samples. Future research will evaluate if the thinning of fibrous bundles between optic sheath and optic nerve is caused by increased ICP. This will be accomplished by increasing the sample size and using other methods to induce increased ICP.

Keywords: bundle diameters; degradation trpml1; fibrous bundle; optic nerve; increased icp; median fibrous

Journal Title: Annals of Emergency Medicine
Year Published: 2018

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