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Population dynamics based on ladder bosonic operators

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Abstract We adopt an operatorial method, based on truncated bosons, to describe the dynamics of populations in a closed region with a non trivial topology. The main operator that includes… Click to show full abstract

Abstract We adopt an operatorial method, based on truncated bosons, to describe the dynamics of populations in a closed region with a non trivial topology. The main operator that includes the various mechanisms and interactions between the populations is the Hamiltonian, constructed with the density and transport operators. The whole evolution is derived from the Schrodinger equation, and the densities of the populations are retrieved from the normalized expected values of the density operators. We show that this approach is suitable for applications in very large domain, solving the computational issues that typically occur when using an Hamiltonian based on fermionic ladder operators.

Keywords: dynamics based; based ladder; ladder bosonic; population dynamics; bosonic operators; topology

Journal Title: Applied Mathematical Modelling
Year Published: 2021

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