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Prevalence and Features of Asthma in Young Adults in Urban Areas of Argentina

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Abstract Objective To investigate the burden of asthma in a young adult population in urban areas of Argentina. Design A nationwide telephone survey in subjects aged 20–44 years was performed… Click to show full abstract

Abstract Objective To investigate the burden of asthma in a young adult population in urban areas of Argentina. Design A nationwide telephone survey in subjects aged 20–44 years was performed in urban areas in Argentina. The European Community Respiratory Health Survey questionnaire was used. Asthma was defined as an exacerbation in the last year or use of asthma medications. Results In total, 1521 subjects responded (62.4% females, mean age 33 years), of whom 91 were classified as asthmatics (5.9%, 95% CI 4.7–7.1). Prevalence adjusted for age, sex and education level was 6.4% (95% CI 5.1–7.7). Wheezing was reported by 13.9% (95% CI 15.6–12.2) and a diagnosis of asthma by 9.5% (95% CI 8.0–11.0). Among individuals with a diagnosis of asthma (n=154), 71.3% had undergone spirometry. Among those treated (n=77), 51.9% used medications daily and 46.8% as a rescue measure. Of those reporting an exacerbation in the last year (n=60), 55% had attended an emergency department and 23% were admitted. Asthma was associated with rhinitis (OR 11.1, 95% CI 6.2–19.9) and family history (OR 3.6, 95% CI 2.3–5.5). Conclusion Asthma prevalence in young adults in Argentina is similar to Europe. Although attacks and admissions were common, regular use of medications was reported by half of those treated. These results may be useful for other Latin American countries.

Keywords: urban areas; areas argentina; prevalence; asthma young; young adults

Journal Title: Archivos De Bronconeumologia
Year Published: 2018

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