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Intensification of photocatalytic processes for niche applications in the area of water, wastewater and air treatment [preface]

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Photocatalysis and photoelectrocatalysis are attractive technologies with potential applications in several fields, such as environmental technology, chemical synthesis, energy, and medicine. Although thousands of research papers have been published reporting… Click to show full abstract

Photocatalysis and photoelectrocatalysis are attractive technologies with potential applications in several fields, such as environmental technology, chemical synthesis, energy, and medicine. Although thousands of research papers have been published reporting promising results, actual industrial applications still remain limited, principally in the area of environmental remediation. The lack of knowledge on photoreactor design among the wider scientific and industrial community and integration with conventional technologies are some of the factors that are limiting the adoption of these emerging technologies for remediation purposes.

Keywords: applications area; area; photocatalytic processes; intensification photocatalytic; niche applications; processes niche

Journal Title: Chemical Engineering Journal
Year Published: 2017

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