In this paper, we propose an unstructured mesh generation method based on Lagrangian-particle fluid relaxation, imposing a global optimization strategy. With the presumption that the geometry can be described as… Click to show full abstract
In this paper, we propose an unstructured mesh generation method based on Lagrangian-particle fluid relaxation, imposing a global optimization strategy. With the presumption that the geometry can be described as a zero level set, an adaptive isotropic mesh is generated by three steps. First, three characteristic fields based on three modeling equations are computed to define the target mesh-vertex distribution, i.e. target feature-size function and density function. The modeling solutions are computed on a multi-resolution Cartesian background mesh. Second, with a target particle density and a local smoothing-length interpolated from the target field on the background mesh, a set of physically-motivated model equations is developed and solved by an adaptive-smoothing-length Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method. The relaxed particle distribution conforms well with the target functions while maintaining isotropy and smoothness inherently. Third, a parallel fast Delaunay triangulation method is developed based on the observation that a set of neighboring particles generates a locally valid Voronoi diagram at the interior of the domain. The incompleteness of near domain boundaries is handled by enforcing a symmetry boundary condition. A set of two-dimensional test cases shows the feasibility of the method. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed method produces high-quality globally optimized adaptive isotropic meshes even for high geometric complexity. © 2019 Elsevier B.V.
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