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Acute Rupture Open Repair Techniques.

Photo by owenbeard from unsplash

Achilles tendon injuries can be serious injuries requiring either operative or nonoperative management. For appropriate surgical candidates, operative intervention may provide lower rerupture rates and adequate end-to-end tendon healing. Our… Click to show full abstract

Achilles tendon injuries can be serious injuries requiring either operative or nonoperative management. For appropriate surgical candidates, operative intervention may provide lower rerupture rates and adequate end-to-end tendon healing. Our preference is an open Achilles tendon repair, specifically a limited open technique using the PARS device (Arthrex, Naples, FL). Postoperatively, we use functional rehabilitation and early range of motion. Although the current literature remains controversial regarding operative versus nonoperative management, the authors have obtained satisfactory results in appropriately chosen surgical candidates.

Keywords: medicine; repair techniques; rupture open; acute rupture; open repair; repair

Journal Title: Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery
Year Published: 2017

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