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Surfactant and non-surfactant radical scavengers in aqueous reactions induced by pulsed corona discharge treatment

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Abstract The choice of energy input rate in treatment of aqueous media with gas-phase pulsed corona discharge (PCD) requires quantification of reactive oxygen species (ROS) reactions dependent on oxidation kinetics.… Click to show full abstract

Abstract The choice of energy input rate in treatment of aqueous media with gas-phase pulsed corona discharge (PCD) requires quantification of reactive oxygen species (ROS) reactions dependent on oxidation kinetics. The role of surfactant and non-surfactant OH-radical scavengers in PCD was studied in respect of oxidation of phenol, oxalic and humic acid. Phenol reacts fast, whereas oxalate is known to selectively react with OH-radicals. Humic acid oxidation is slow. Rapid energy intake is advised for oxidation induced exclusively by radical reactions, such as humics, whereas abatement of admixtures reacting with both surface-borne and long-living oxidants benefits from reduced pulse repetition frequency.

Keywords: non surfactant; radical scavengers; corona discharge; surfactant radical; pulsed corona; surfactant non

Journal Title: Journal of Electrostatics
Year Published: 2019

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