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Time-varying model of self-discharge in a double layer supercapacitor with blocking layer

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Abstract One of the main shortcomings of the supercapacitors is related to self-discharge phenomenon at open circuit conditions due to the existence of an internal leakage current. Using two thin… Click to show full abstract

Abstract One of the main shortcomings of the supercapacitors is related to self-discharge phenomenon at open circuit conditions due to the existence of an internal leakage current. Using two thin insulating blocking layers on the contacts-electrolyte interface is a promising structural approach to tackle this problem. A single-branch equivalent circuit is presented to model the self-discharge behavior of a supercapacitor with 1.5 nm of PolyPhenylene Oxide as a blocking layer. A variable resistance in parallel with the equivalent capacitance is considered to model the leakage current and self-discharge procedure. It has been shown that considering a constant parallel resistance could not model the self-discharge appropriately. Hence, two different approaches are proposed to derive the time-varying parallel resistance in the model. The first approach results in an accurate continuous time-varying parallel resistance based on the equality of voltage from numerical solution to the first-order nonlinear dynamics of Tafel equation and natural response of the time-varying RC-circuit. In the second approach, an optimal number of different exponential functions are fitted to the experimental measurements from the self-discharge phenomenon based on the weighted linear regression analysis for some time intervals during one hour. In this method, optimal discrete parallel resistance values are obtained with a trade-off between model accuracy and its simplicity. It is shown that both the continuous and discrete models are accurate while the discrete model has better performance and more beneficial. Nevertheless, a relatively high sampling rate is needed for the initial time interval in which the self-discharge experiences a faster variation.

Keywords: self discharge; model; layer; time varying; model self

Journal Title: Journal of energy storage
Year Published: 2021

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