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Personality traits and preferences for production method labeling – A latent class approach

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Abstract Consumers are increasingly concerned about food production methods. In this research, we focus on GMO-free and pesticide-free labeling for Medjool dates, a fruit that has recently received more attention… Click to show full abstract

Abstract Consumers are increasingly concerned about food production methods. In this research, we focus on GMO-free and pesticide-free labeling for Medjool dates, a fruit that has recently received more attention due to its nutritious properties. In addition to accounting for preferences, we choose a latent class approach to explain choice behavior among different consumer segments. We focus on personality traits because personality can explain preference heterogeneity, and can be utilized for marketing activities. Findings indicate that consumer preferences are different across segments and can be described with personality traits. Openness, neuroticism and agency are associated with a preference for production method labeling, but not region of origin. Extraversion fosters preferences for more labels, while conscientiousness leads to a restricted choice pattern. Agreeableness did not discriminate choice behavior. Marketers and policy makers can use these insights to design activities in alignment with the target segments’ prevalent personality traits.

Keywords: production method; class approach; latent class; personality traits; personality

Journal Title: Food Quality and Preference
Year Published: 2019

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