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The transference of Asian hospitality through food: Chef׳s inspirations taken from Asian cuisines to capture the essence of Asian culture and hospitality

Photo by juanantia from unsplash

Abstract The Asian wave of Hospitality and Tourism is being seen in many different ways worldwide, particularly with food. Within Asia there is a plethora of street food hawkers that… Click to show full abstract

Abstract The Asian wave of Hospitality and Tourism is being seen in many different ways worldwide, particularly with food. Within Asia there is a plethora of street food hawkers that have developed their own culture and contribution to the culinary world. Chefs across the world are taking the traditions and flavors found in street food around Asia and applying that to restaurants and eateries while also bridging these cultures together.

Keywords: transference asian; asian hospitality; hospitality food; hospitality; culture; food

Journal Title: International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science
Year Published: 2017

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