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Confining system integrity assessment by detection of natural gas migration using seismic diffractions

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Abstract Successful carbon capture and storage (CCS) requires secure CO2 confinement within a geologic reservoir. If associated with a depleted hydrocarbon reservoir, the sealing capability can be determined by examination… Click to show full abstract

Abstract Successful carbon capture and storage (CCS) requires secure CO2 confinement within a geologic reservoir. If associated with a depleted hydrocarbon reservoir, the sealing capability can be determined by examination of the shallow subsurface for hydrocarbon leaks. Numerous seismic signatures have been reported to be hydrocarbon indicators. The interpretation can be advanced by using seismic diffractions, which could indicate subtle hydrocarbon accumulations not detectable by conventional techniques. In this work, we investigate the potential of seismic diffractions for use in shallow gas detection. We extract diffractions from the ultra-high-resolution 3D P-Cable seismic dataset acquired along the Gulf of Mexico inner continental shelf. Interpretation of this dataset revealed numerous seismic signatures associated with hydrocarbon accumulations (e.g., a prominent gas chimney). We analyze scattering features of the detected hydrocarbon accumulations and confirm the correlation between confidently interpreted gas accumulations and seismic diffractions. Based on that, we suggest using diffractions for confining system integrity assessment. Diffraction analysis allows operating with subtle seismic signals that facilitates exploration of reliable CO2 storage sites.

Keywords: integrity assessment; seismic diffractions; gas; using seismic; confining system; system integrity

Journal Title: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
Year Published: 2018

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