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Analysis of the effects of viscosity on the SH-wave band-gaps of 2D viscoelastic phononic crystals by Dirichlet-to-Neumann map method

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Abstract The effects of viscosity on the band-baps of two-dimensional (2D) viscoelastic phononic crystals are studied by the Dirichlet-to-Neumann (DtN) map method. The viscoelastic phononic crystals are composed of square… Click to show full abstract

Abstract The effects of viscosity on the band-baps of two-dimensional (2D) viscoelastic phononic crystals are studied by the Dirichlet-to-Neumann (DtN) map method. The viscoelastic phononic crystals are composed of square or triangular lattices of elastic circular solid cylinders in a viscoelastic solid matrix. Time-harmonic anti-plane transverse (SH) waves are considered and the standard linear solid model is used to describe the viscoelastic behavior of the matrix material, in which the shear modulus depends on the frequency. Based on the DtN map constructed by using the cylindrical wave expansions, a linear eigenvalue problem related to the Bloch wave vector is formulated, which involves relatively small matrices. By using real frequencies and complex-valued wave vectors, the complex band structures are computed for different viscosity parameters, and the wave propagation and attenuation characteristics in dependence of the viscosity are analyzed. Then based on the storage shear modulus, real band structures for the Pb/epoxy phononic crystals with viscosity in the square and triangular lattices are studied, and the effects of the different viscoelastic material parameters and other relevant influencing parameters on the band-gaps are discussed. The results show that the viscosity of the matrix material affects the location and the width of the band-gaps. This fact provides an alternative way to tune the band-gaps of phononic crystals by adjusting the viscoelastic parameters combined with other influencing parameters.

Keywords: viscosity; phononic crystals; viscoelastic phononic; map; band gaps

Journal Title: International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
Year Published: 2021

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