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Vibrational spectroscopy of the cryogenically cooled O- and N-protomers of 4-Aminobenzoic acid: Tag effects, isotopic labels, and identification of the E,Z isomer of the O-protomer.

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4-Aminobenzoic acid (4ABA) is a biologically relevant, small organic molecule with two protonation sites: the amino group (N-protomer) and the carboxyl group (O-protomer). The O-protomer is energetically preferred in the… Click to show full abstract

4-Aminobenzoic acid (4ABA) is a biologically relevant, small organic molecule with two protonation sites: the amino group (N-protomer) and the carboxyl group (O-protomer). The O-protomer is energetically preferred in the gas-phase, while the higher energy N-protomer can be trapped using aprotic solvents such as acetonitrile during electrospray ionization. Here, we focus on the structure of the O-protomer, which can occur in three low-lying isomeric forms that result from different orientations of the OH groups relative to the benzene ring. We report the vibrational spectra of both N- and O-protomers of the cryogenically cooled ions in the gas phase over the spectral range 800-4000 cm-1. The bands arising from the OH stretches are isolated from the nearby NH stretching fundamentals using isotopic labeling as well as by analysis of the shifts in these fundamentals upon attachment of D2 and N2 molecules to the OH groups of the O-protomer. The spectra of isomers derived from the different locations of the adducts were isolated using two-color, IR-IR photofragmentation spectroscopy. The docking motifs by which the O-protomer binds to another 4ABA molecule is also explored and found to feature a bifurcated arrangement involving attachment of both OH groups of the protonated head group to the carbonyl group of the neutral partner.

Keywords: cryogenically cooled; aminobenzoic acid; group; vibrational spectroscopy; spectroscopy; protomer

Journal Title: International journal of mass spectrometry
Year Published: 2020

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