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Alterations in CRY2 and PER3 gene expression associated with thalamic-limbic community structural abnormalities in patients with bipolar depression or unipolar depression.

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OBJECTIVES The current study aimed to identify shared and distinct brain structure abnormalities and their relationships with the expression of circadian genes in patients with bipolar or unipolar depression. METHOD… Click to show full abstract

OBJECTIVES The current study aimed to identify shared and distinct brain structure abnormalities and their relationships with the expression of circadian genes in patients with bipolar or unipolar depression. METHOD A total of 93 subjects participated in this study, including 32 patients with bipolar depression (BDP), 26 patients with unipolar depression (UDP) and 35 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. Brain structural magnetic resonance imaging scans were obtained, and optimized voxel-based morphometry was used to explore group differences in regional gray matter volume (GMV). The mRNA expression levels of circadian genes in peripheral blood were measured using reverse transcription quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS Our results showed that the GMV in brain regions in the thalamus-limbic pathways had significantly increased in the BDP patients compared to controls, while the increased GMV in UDP patients compared to controls was limited to the thalamus. The mRNA expression levels of circadian-related genes decreased significantly in patients with BDP, but increased in patients with UDP, compared to controls. In addition, the GMV in the right thalamus in the patients with UDP was positively associated with mRNA levels of CRY2, while the GMV in the right hippocampus in the patients with BDP was negatively associated with mRNA levels of PER3. CONCLUSION Our study suggested that patients with BDP or MDD shared GMV abnormalities in the right thalamus. The PER3 and CRY2 genes might be critical to right hippocampal dysfunction in BDP and right thalamic dysfunction in UDP, respectively. The result provided potentially important molecular targets for the treatment of mood disorders.

Keywords: depression; compared controls; bipolar depression; patients bipolar; expression; unipolar depression

Journal Title: Journal of affective disorders
Year Published: 2021

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