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Grains orientation and restructure mechanism of Ce-contained magnets processed by reduction diffusion

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Abstract The Ce-contained dual-main-phase magnets that the (BH)max is 40.39 MGOe, and Hcj increases to 16.61 kOe get well magnetic properties by grain boundary diffusion. The Hcj increases by about 45.7%… Click to show full abstract

Abstract The Ce-contained dual-main-phase magnets that the (BH)max is 40.39 MGOe, and Hcj increases to 16.61 kOe get well magnetic properties by grain boundary diffusion. The Hcj increases by about 45.7% compared to the sintered state magnets. The XRD shows that RE-O-F compounds are formed in the diffused surface, the characteristic peak is distinct respectively. The gradient distribution structure of the anisotropic field (GDSAF) appears in SEM due to diffusing. Compared with the original (Nd, Ce)-Fe-B grains, EBSD shows that the Exp. Densities (mud) in the direction of {002} of Ce2Fe14B main-phase keep better in diffused magnets. The texture of Ce2Fe14B main-phase is changed from ring-like to the ring, the max value of Exp. Densities (mud) in the direction of {002} in the pole figure gets tremendously improvement. According to the variation of orientation distribution, in terms of elements distribution, the large difference is that whether Tb atoms diffuse into RE2Fe14B main-phase forming GDSAF.

Keywords: phase; diffusion; main phase; grains orientation; restructure mechanism; orientation restructure

Journal Title: Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Year Published: 2022

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