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Tomato saponin supplementation ameliorates the development of experimental arthritis by regulating inflammatory responses

Photo by danicalifornia from unsplash

Abstract We evaluated the effect of tomato saponin, containing esculeoside A, a major saponin found in Japanese pink-colored tomato, on collagen-induced arthritis DBA/1J mice. Arthritis scores in collagen-injected mice were… Click to show full abstract

Abstract We evaluated the effect of tomato saponin, containing esculeoside A, a major saponin found in Japanese pink-colored tomato, on collagen-induced arthritis DBA/1J mice. Arthritis scores in collagen-injected mice were markedly lower by tomato saponin supplementation than that of the control throughout the 15-days observation period. Notably, there was a significant negative correlation between the arthritis scores and serum concentrations of esculeogenin A, an aglycon of esculeoside A (R2 = 0.84, p

Keywords: supplementation ameliorates; tomato saponin; saponin supplementation; ameliorates development; arthritis

Journal Title: Journal of Functional Foods
Year Published: 2018

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